So, I've been listening to Last Minute Politics, and while I haven't gotten all the way caught up on the episodes, I did go ahead and pledge a Patreon dollar to get into the Discord server. They've been doing weekly "Bible studies" of reading through and discussing this book that Lenin wrote. We talked a little about direct democracy, and to what extent it would be smart to implement it.
What would be part of the implementation: Policies, issues, national and local scale
What would not be part of the implementation: Intra-company policies
Who would vote on issues of scientific impact: Voters who are educated/certified in the respective topic up for vote
Who would not vote on issues of scientific impact: Everyone who hasn't yet been certified in the subject(s) at hand
What would everyone vote on: Philosophical questions which do not require special training or knowledge in order to make a well-considered decision
How do we keep the votes safe from meddling? Not sure yet, but I'm learning!